Brooklyn Botanic Garden Master Class
Up & Up Education Art Director,Wujian Wang held a special sketching master class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on Saturday, June 1, 2024. As a professional member and art instructor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Mr.Wang will teach students to sketch various rare plants on site in the one of the oldest botanical gardens in the U.S., experiencing unique garden design.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an urban botanic garden that connects people to the world of plants, fostering delight and curiosity while inspiring an appreciation and sense of stewardship of the environment.
In the Garden, in its community, and well beyond, BBG inspires people of all ages through the conservation, display, and enjoyment of plants; with educational programs that emphasize learning by doing; and with research focused on understanding and conserving regional plants and plant communities.
Up & Up 教育艺术总监王武剑于2024年6月1日星期六在布鲁克林植物园举办特别的写生大师课。作为纽约大都会艺术博物馆的专业成员和艺术导师,王老师将教导学生在美国最古老的植物园之一的布鲁克林植物园中现场写生各种珍稀植物,体验独特的园林设计。

Learning Target
Live sketch the fantastic nature and plants in Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Observe plants closely and identify their unique features, forms, and color.
Learn biology terms on site and build connections between real nature, temperature, air, light, and shadows in art.

Key Words:
Observation, Plants, Flowers, Live-sketching, Color Pastel, Color Sharpies, Fine Arts, Field Trips, K-12 Art Education, Landscape, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York City
观察, 植物, 花卉, 现场素描, 彩色色粉笔, 彩色马克笔, 视觉艺术, 实地考察, K-12 艺术教育, 风景写生

1.After watching Mr.Wang's pastel drawing demo, students started to use color pastel to draw at the Japanese Hill and Pond Garden in Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

2.Students shared their 30 minutes live pastel sketching in group at the Japanese Hill and Pond Garden in Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
2.学生们在布鲁克林植物园的日本山和池塘花园集体分享了他们30 分钟的粉彩现场写生画。

3.Mr.Wang guided drawing group to the Steinhardt Conservatory. Students used 2 color sharpie to do line drawings of tee desert plants while feeling the desert climate and temperature.

4.Students paid close attention to the shape, form, and characteristics of the chosen desert plant.

5. Students presented their 15 minutes live drawings at the Steinhardt Conservatory Tropical Plants Room.
学生们在斯坦哈特热带植物室现场展示了他们 15 分钟的现场写生绘画作品作品。

6. Students observed, drew, and studied rare aquatic plants in the Aquatic Plants Room. Aquatic plants are plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments (saltwater or freshwater).

7. Students arrived at Cranford Rose Garden to embrace the incredible rose sea. The Cranford Rose Garden has been one of BBG’s most popular attractions since it first opened in 1928. In June, when the roses are in full bloom, tens of thousands of blossoms cascade down arches, climb up lattices, clamber over the pavilion, and pose in formal beds.
学生们来到克兰福德玫瑰园,拥抱令人难以置信的玫瑰花海。克兰福德玫瑰园自 1928 年首次开放以来,一直是布鲁克林植物园 最受欢迎的景点之一。每到六月玫瑰盛开的季节,数以万计的玫瑰花从拱门倾泻而下,爬上花格,攀爬在亭子上,在花坛中恣意绽放。

8. Here, students dived into one of the largest collections in North America while doing their live drawing of roses, thousands of rosebushes are cultivated, including wild species, old garden roses, hybrid teas, grandifloras, floribundas, polyanthas, hybrid perpetuals, climbers, ramblers, and miniatures.

9. Roses' charming fragrance stimulate students' senses and inspire students to capture the most vivid color and forms of the roses in front of them.

10. Students showed their 20 minutes live drawings of roses together in the rose garden. In the end, students took the final group photo in front of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden around 3:40 pm.
学生们在玫瑰园里一起展示了他们 20 分钟的玫瑰现场绘画作品。最后,学生们于下午 3:40 左右在布鲁克林植物园前合影留念。