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Updated: Jul 16, 2024

Keywords: arts & science, AI, computer generated art, human-centered bias

Installation view of Refik Anadol: Unsupervised

1. P. Snow - Do you see the problem that C.P. Snow posed as being solved today? Are the Arts & Sciences in good collaboration with one another or does a big chasm still exist?

Most of the time, pure scientists don't really understand engineers and applied science. They couldn't get interested. They wouldn't recognize that many of the problems were as intellectually exacting as pure problems, and that many of the solutions were as satisfying and beautiful. The big chasm still exsit but art & science could collaborate together. For example, artists could use creative coding to visualize data. A good example will be the recent contemporary exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art: Refik Anadol on AI, Algorithms, and the Machine as Witness.


2.Leonard - What happens when computers start making their own decisions and start making art? How do we design curricula around this?

When computers start making their own decisions and creating art, it starts to challenge human-centered art making. It makes human wonder how can we evaluate and use computer generated art. We may need to design curricula that focus on fostering a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence, its capabilities and limitations, and how it can be directed and interpreted in creative processes. Students should be taught how to use AI as a tool to enhance their creativity, not replace it. Ethical considerations, such as authorship and originality in AI-generated art, would also be crucial topics in the curriculum.



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